Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Atheist goes on a rant...


  1. She defends her position by saying anybody that has faith in heaven or god or anything (without physical proof) is an idiot. Not really an argument, but an attack on personal values. Is this what you believe? or just atheists in general? Do atheists have tolerance of others or just attack others' intolerance? Don't tell me what I believe is wrong or that I'm an idiot, tell me what you believe and why!

  2. Not what I believe. Her use of personal attacks is not the way to go and for most atheists, in my opinion, do not go this route. However, atheists vary from people who believe religion does good to those who have it, but it is not for them personally, to people who believe religion does more harm than good. There is not set values for atheists. One atheist may believe one thing while another believes something completely different. What I believe, as an atheist, is that people with religion are deeply good, even if their beliefs are a little misguided. I separate beliefs from the person.
